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UNKNOWN  TV  SHOWS  -  the 60's
Here is a sample of photos from TV shows of the 60's that I couldn't relate for sure to the list of TV shows displayed on the other pages. They can be either from shows already listed (but not illustraded with pictures) or unknown and therefore yet unlisted TV shows.

You can right-click on the pictures to oversize them.

Any contribution, any little piece of memory or clipping are welcome. Share your knowledge ! 

Thanks for all the members of the Diana Ross & Supremes forum at for helping to solve some of those enigmas!
UNKNOWN #1  -  Enigma solved

Taping date:
 Octobre 11, 1964
Air date:
 Octobre 17, 1964

The earliest pictures of this session have been found in the magazine Photoplay of March 1965 (with Peter O'Toole on cover).

The Su
premes wear the same outfits than on the show "Saturday Date" (Canadian TV show of August 1964) but not the same wigs (Diana may wear the same wig but definitely not Florence nor Mary, Mary has her ears visible and Florence a differently curled wig on Saturday Date) so there's absolutely no certainty that it's the same show.

There's a likelyhood that those pictures are from the TV show "Thank Your Lucky Star" (UK tv show aired on October 17, 1964) but sufficient proof has yet to be found.
"Saturday Date"
with Mary & Flo
wearing different

Epilogue (06/20/2021): a credited photo on the Getty site was finally found!
UNKNOWN #2  -  Enigma solved

Taping date:
 October 14 or 15, 1964
Air date:
 December 02, 1964
The dresses and wigs suggest a TV show during the Supremes's first visit to Europe in October 1964.
The set is not to be mistaken with the London Palladium in March 21, 1965 (above).
UNKNOWN #3  -  Enigma solved

    GO! GO!
Taping date:
 January 4, 1965
Air date:
 January 4, 1965
WABC-TV (channel 7 - local New York channel)
The Supremes' look situates this picture from mid '64 to mid '65 

"Teen Stars" is written on the back of the photo on the right which could be the name of the TV show. No information of a TV show of that name was found.

The words "Teen Stars" are followed be unreadable signs which could be interpreted as: l/r D F M  (left to right Diana, Florence, Mary) but that's only a guess (l/r could make sens but the rest is really unreadable and only an interpretation).

On the same photo a big "G" is hanging on the wall behind the Supremes. This could be an indication of the name of the TV show (with no certainty at all).

On the photo on the right, the Supremes are pictured with Lesley Gore. They wear the same dresses, the same wigs, the same black ruban belt (note that they wear the same gowns on Shivaree, aired on March 13, 1965 in LA, but with different belts) and Diana the same earings. 

The last photo was credited as "Go Go" tv show, which could actually be "Hollywood A' Go Go", a local LA tv show hosted by Sam Riddle and aired on Saturdays and Sundays. But the Supremes are not listed in the episode list of this show ( & The set of "Hollywood A' Go Go" doesn't match these pictures either.

Sam Riddle also hosted during the weekdays the show "9th Street West" (also a local LA tv show) and there's a likelihood that those pictures are from this tv show.
Epilogue (06/13/2021): I finally found by chance the mention of a TV show with the Supremes & Lesley Gore in the New York Daily News (January 3, 1965 issue)
UNKNOWN #4  -  Enigma solved

Taping date:
Air date:
 November 18, 1964

The Supremes are wearing the same outfits and wigs than on the TAMI show but the set behind them is different.  

=> this photo is take during the end of the first Shindig the Supremes appeared on (aired on November 18, 1964) at the end of the Righteous Brother's song Little Latin Lupe Lu.

UNKNOWN #5  - Enigma solved

Taping date:
 March 1965, 
Air date:
 April 5, 1965

Are following three series of photos which, I think, are linked and were all taken around the time period of "Stop! In The Name Of Love" (obvious choreography on the pictures).
Series 1: these photos were taken in Germany for sure. Some of them were used as postcards and trading card in Germany. The guy in the last zoomed picture is Rudi Slezak (of Aberbach GmbH, Hamburg - see other pictures of him in the Timeline section - 1965 - April 13). Note the wigs the Supremes are wearing and also Diana's shoes which are the same than on the serie 2.
For long I thought that the photos of series 1 were the one of the German TV show “Musik Aus Studio B” (broadcast April 5, 1965) but since I found the last picture with people (including Rudi Slezak) hanging around behind the Supremes while they perform, it led me to think that it's rather a showcase, probably held at the occasion of the press conference (the picture with Rudi Slezak is from the Dutch magazine Muziek Parade of June 1965).
Series 1:
Update on the photos of Series 1: these photos happened to have been taken at the Atlantic Kempinski Hotel in Hamburg, Germany. This confirm the initial theory that this series of photo is from a showcase that occured around the same time as "Musik Aus Studio B" tv show.
Series 2: because of the fact the Supremes are wearing the same wigs and Diana the same shoes than on the pictures of series 1, these pictures were taken during a very close time period. These are most probably shots taken on the set of the German TV show “Musik Aus Studio B” (with no absolute certainty).
Note that the Supremes wear the same gowns than on "Shindig" during "Stop! In The Name Of Love" and than on "Ready Steady Go" during "Baby Love" but they wear different wigs.
Series 2:
Series 3: Florence is wearing the same wig than on the two other series, and Mary's looks very similar. Diana's is definitely different. Their outfits are the same than on series 2 even if it's not obvious because the over-exposed photos of series 3. For the same reason it's also hard to tell if Diana's shoes are the same, but on the last picture of series 2 they also don't look the same because of the different lightning. A very close look at zoomed pictures shows clearer areas on Diana's shoes which could lead to think that they are the same than on the series 2.
There is also the same white inclined line on the pictures than on series 2 which leads to think that it's the same set. So these picture were also most probably taken on the set of the German TV show “Musik Aus Studio B” (dress/wig rehearsal ?).
Series 3:
EPILOGUE (09/13/20) : I finally found a proof that the pictures of series 2 & 3 where taken in Germany and more precisely in Hamburg where the TV show "Musik Aus Studio B" was shoot.

Photos of series 2 and 3 where taken on the set of the TV show. Those of series 3 most likely during the rehearsals. and those of series 2 right before or after the recording of the TV show.

Photos of series 1 correspond to a private showcase that occured at the hotel Atlantic Kempinski in Hamburg during the same stay in Germany.

Nevertheless, the most probable date of this stay is March 29, 1965 during a day off of the UK tour (instead of March approximately 17-19).
UNKNOWN #6 - Enigma solved

Taping date:
 December 31, 1966
Air date:
 December 31, 1966
            (rebroadcast January 2, 1967)

The Supremes are wearing fur coats and it looks like they are on a float. This was maybe taken during the Orange Bowl Parade in Miami on December 31, 1965 or during the New Year’s Eve King Orange Jamboree Parade in Miami on December 31, 1966.
According to Diana's and Florence's growns, which look like the ones they wore during the Andy Williams Show (January 22, 1967), this is more likely the Parade on December 31, 1966 (if this is the Parade, of course).
I have finally found the same picture printed in the Miami News (January 2,  1967 issue) on an revue of the Parade and numerous photos taken during the parade, including this one.
I have posted the complete page on the Soulfuldetroit forum :

UNKNOWN #7  -  Enigma solved

Taping date:
 probably on May 27, 1967
Air date:
 May 27, 1967

The wig style, especially Florence's, situates this tv show in 1967.
Some say it's a Mike Douglas Show but according to, the Supremes didn't participate to this show in 1967.
Epilogue (06/14/2021): I finally found by chance the mention of a local TV show that matches the era of these photos (especially Florence's hair style) in the White Plains Journal News.
UNKNOWN #8  -  Enigma solved

Taping date:
 circa January 29, 1967
Air date:
 circa January 29, 1967

Florence wig style situates this show in 1967. It's not known if this is only an interview or if the Supremes also perform.

One might think this is "Swingin' Time/Salute To The Supremes" aired in Detroit on January 22, 1966, but it's definitely different show.

There's a likelihood that it comes from the Chicago daytime talk show "The Lee Phillip Show".
It's been confirled that the woman on the left is Lee Phillip during the Lee Phllip Show taped circa the end of January 1967, to promote the Supremes concert in Chicago on January 29, 1967.
UNKNOWN #8 - BIS  -  Enigma solved
Taping date:
 circa January 29, 1967
Air date:
 circa January 29, 1967

On the photo below, the Supremes wear the exact same outfits (the only difference is that Mary kept her jacket), the same wig and the same earings and necklaces.
So this photo was taken the same day but from what seems to be another talk show.
It's been confirled that the man on the left is Fahey Flynn interviewing the Supremes the same day the Lee Phillip Show was taped, circa the end of January 1967, to promote the Supremes' concert in Chicago on January 29, 1967.
UNKNOWN #9  -  Enigma solved

 The London Palladium Show
Taping date:
 January 1968
Air date:
 January 28, 1968
Channel: ITV

According to their gowns, this is a late 1967 show or an early 1968 show. The wigs style rather situates this in early 1968.

=> a photo backstage the London Palladium has been found with boxer Howard Winstone meeting the Supremes wearing the same wigs than on the show.
UNKNOWN #10  -  Enigma solved
  The Ed Sullivan Show 
Taping date:
Air date:
 December 21, 1969

Cindy Birdsong, Diana Ross and Mary Wilson, circa 1968/69.

=> there's a likelihood that this picture was taken during the rehearsal of the last Ed Sullivan Show of Diana Ross & the Supremes, during "Someday We'll Be Together" (same wigs and same pose).
Epilogue (01/20/2022): the background of the new photo on the left clearly establish the link with the last Ed Sullivan show on which performed Diana Ross & the Supremes.
Taping date:
 circa 1968
Air date:

Not sure this comes from a TV show but this could look like a set an not a stage.
Diana Ross, Mary Wilson and Cindy Birdsong wear the same wigs than during the rehearsal of the filmed concert in Holland (filmed on January 16, 1968 and broadcast on March 4, 1968) but the piano during this concert is black, not white.
If this picture is from a tv show, it was obviously taken during the rehearsals. 
UNKNOWN #12  - Enigma solved

  Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium 
Taping date:
 November 18, 1968
Air date:
 November 24, 1968

Not sure this comes from a TV show. It could also be a ceremony.

Left to right are : Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, unknown  (could this be Bruce Fortsyth?), Petula Clark, 2 unknown people, Engelbert Humperdinck and 2 unknown people.

(a better picture is welcome).

=> the set behind the artists confirms that it's the stage of the Royal Variety Show, show during which Petula Clarck and Engelbert Humperdinck also performed.
UNKNOWN #13  - Enigma solved

Show:  Ed Sullivan Show  
Taping date:
Air date:
 November 17, 1967

Rehearsal picture but with Mary and Cindy wearing what looks like costumes for a skit. 

This photo was taken on the set of the Ed Sullivan show (November 17, 1967) during the rehearsals for the Greensleeves/Thou Swell medley. Obviously the original outfits worn by Mary and Cindy didn't make it to the screen and were changed in favor of Paco Rabanne outfits.  
This picture also appears in the tour book of Diana Ross & the Supremes (1968-69).