UNKNOWN #8 - Enigma solved
Taping date: circa January 29, 1967
Air date: circa January 29, 1967
Country: USA
b&w/color: b&w
Florence wig style situates this show in 1967. It's not known if this is only an interview or if the Supremes also perform.
One might think this is "Swingin' Time/Salute To The Supremes" aired in Detroit on January 22, 1966, but it's definitely different show.
There's a likelihood that it comes from the Chicago daytime talk show "The Lee Phillip Show".
It's been confirled that the woman on the left is Lee Phillip during the Lee Phllip Show taped circa the end of January 1967, to promote the Supremes concert in Chicago on January 29, 1967.
UNKNOWN #8 - BIS - Enigma solved
Taping date: circa January 29, 1967
Air date: circa January 29, 1967
Country: USA
b&w/color: b&w
On the photo below, the Supremes wear the exact same outfits (the only difference is that Mary kept her jacket), the same wig and the same earings and necklaces.
So this photo was taken the same day but from what seems to be another talk show.
It's been confirled that the man on the left is Fahey Flynn interviewing the Supremes the same day the Lee Phillip Show was taped, circa the end of January 1967, to promote the Supremes' concert in Chicago on January 29, 1967.