LOVE CHILD - MS 670 - November 13, 1968
Love Child
Keep An Eye
How Long Has That Evening Train Been Gone
Does Your Mama Know About Me
Honey Bee (Keep On Stinging Me)
Some Things You Never Get Used To
He's My Sunny Boy
You've Been So Wonderful To Me
(Don't Break These) Chains Of Love
You Ain't Livin' Till You're Lovin'
I'll Set You Free (version 2)
Can't Shake It Loose
lead Sept 20, 68.
version 1 (version 2: Diana Ross solo on "Diana Ross", 1970).
version 2.
Additional tracks originally not included:
The Beginning Of The End Of Love ...............
Treat Me Nice John Henry ..............................
Believe In Me (without The Temptations) ......
Over The Rainbow ..........................................
Wish I Knew (version 1) .................................
I Can't Give Back The Love I Feel For You
(version 1: DR&S version) .........................
Ain't No Sun Since You've Been Gone ...........
In The Evening Of Our Love ..........................
Those Precious Memories ...............................
Come On And See Me ....................................
If You Should Walk Away ..............................
March 9, 20 & 26, 1968 - mono mix on the Supremes Box Set (2000).
Dec 67, on "25th Anniversary" (1986), and on "Motown Legends - Come See About Me" (1993).
track March 13, lead 19, 68 - edited mix on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008).
track July 12, strings July 13, lead July 30, 1968 - edited version on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008).
track June 14, strings June 26, lead July 30, 1968 - on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008), version 2 on Diana Ross "Everything Is Everything - Expanded".
track June 14, strings June 26, lead July 31, 68 - on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008), version 2 on Diana Ross "Surrender".
track July 19, lead Aug 2, 68 - on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008).
lead Sept 7, 68 - on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008).
lead sept 17 & Oct4, 68 - on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008).
1986 mix on CD "25th Anniversary" (1986).
on "Complete Studio Duets" (April 27, 2004). Track originally assigned for a duet between the two groups Diana Ross & the Supremes and the Temptations but finally recorded entirely by DR&S.
Still unreleased tracks or versions:
I'll Set You Free ...............................................
Believe In Me (without The Temptations) ......
Over The Rainbow ..........................................
Wish I Knew (version 1) .................................
Ain't No Sun Since You've Been Gone ...........
The Onion Song ..............................................
You Made Me Feel Like Everything Was
Alright .........................................................
For Once In My Life (version 1) ....................
Growing ..........................................................
The Boy From Crosstown ..............................
Touched By The Hand Of Love .....................
Hey Hey .........................................................
Ain't I Gonna Win Your Love ........................
Uptown ...........................................................
Double Or Nothing .........................................
Operation Teamwork ......................................
Soul Appeal ....................................................
Weak Spot ......................................................
I Feel Love .....................................................
It Only Happens When Love Is Gone ............
The Girl That Was ..........................................
This Is Where I Came In ................................
You've Got The Love ......................................
For Both Of Us I'll Be Concerned (version 1) ...
I Get Lost ........................................................
Love For A Lifetime .......................................
Don't Say You Love Me .................................
Where The People Live ..................................
Won't You Come And Fly With Me ...............
Seeing Is Believing .........................................
It Could Have Gone Either Way .....................
Give Back The Good Things ..........................
- version 1, produced by Berry Gordy - several different mixes, exist only on acetates (info booklet DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008).
- version 1 or 2 on bootleg tape.
track March 13, lead 19, 68 - extended mix (and little additional vocals at the end), on bootleg.
track July 12, strings jule 13, lead July 30, 1968 - unedited version on bootleg (additional verse and bridge).
track June 14, strings June 26, lead July 30, 1968 - alternate vocal take on bootleg.
track July 19, lead Aug 2, 68 - version with a slightly different end on bootleg.
Jan 25, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
March 7, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
version 1 - March 18, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found"). See "Let The Sunshine In" for version 2.
March 18, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found") - also listed as an unreleased and uncomplete track for the album "To The Baby" (unreleased 1973).
March 18, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
April 24, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
April 29, 68.
April 30, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
May 10, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
July 25, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
July 25, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
July 25, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
July 25, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
July 26, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
July 26, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
July 26, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
- July 26, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
- Aug 2, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found"). It's also the working title for "You Can't Hurry Love".
Aug 5, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Aug 19, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found"). Sometimes listed as "For Us Both I'll Be Concerned". See "Let The Sunshine In" for version 2.
Sept 6, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Sept 12, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Sept 14, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Sept 14, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Sept 14, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Sept 18, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Sept 23, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Oct 8, 68 (incomplete or not by the Supremes according to the booklet of "Lost & Found").
Alternative versions (vocal takes, mixes...):
Love Child ......................................................
Honey Bee (Keep On Stinging Me) ...............
You've Been So Wonderful To Me .................
I'll Set You Free (version 2) ............................
The Beginning Of The End Of Love ..............
Come On And See Me ....................................
- alternate vocal on "The Complete Motown Singles Volume 8".
- additional verse on Almighty dance remix "12" Of Pleasure".
- additional verse original mix on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008).
- (3'14) remastered & extended fade out on DR&S "The #1's" (USA 2003 - not the UK version).
version 1 = alternate version on "Cellarful Of Motown Vol 2" (2005) & "Playlist Plus" (fast version, without background vocals).
(3'17) : additional verse on CD "Motown Delights 3" (2002) & "Playlist Plus" (2008).
- version 2: alternate stereo mix with different lead on UK compilation LP "Stop! In The Name Of Love" (MFP 50291) and on UK LP "Love Child".
- version 2: alternate mono mix with alternate vocal on promo mono LP "Love Child", on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008) (same version as above but mono mix).
track March 9, lead March 20, background March 26, 68 - stereo mix on CD DR&S: "Lost And Found - Let The Music Play: Supremes Rarities 1960-1969" (2008).
July 1, 5&8 1966 - original mix on the Supremes Box Set (2000), also considered for "Love Child" & "Let The Sunshine In".